Tess Pennington

Tess Pennington is the author of The Prepper's Blueprint, a comprehensive guide that uses real-life scenarios to help you prepare for any disaster. Because a crisis rarely stops with a triggering event the aftermath can spiral, having the capacity to cripple our normal ways of life. The well-rounded, multi-layered approach outlined in the Blueprint helps you make sense of a wide array of preparedness concepts through easily digestible action items and supply lists.

Tess is also the author of the highly rated Prepper's Cookbook, which helps you to create a plan for stocking, organizing and maintaining a proper emergency food supply and includes over 300 recipes for nutritious, delicious, life-saving meals. 

Visit her web site at ReadyNutrition.com for an extensive compilation of free information on preparedness, homesteading, and healthy living.


Get Prepped Newsletter: June 22, 2012

To My Subscribers,

Because of the software issues I am dealing with on my newsletter, I am posting the most recent on Ready Nutrition. Hopefully, I will have this issue corrected in the next week. ~Tess

cornmeal pancakes

Pioneer Cornmeal Pancakes

This southern classic is a delicious way to vamp up your regular pancake recipe.

Week 46 of 52: Survival Caches

Get Prepped is Ready Nutrition’s weekly newsletter helping families get prepared for life’s unexpected emergencies. This week we will discuss in length the importance that a survival cache could play in your life and what items would be best to include in a cache.

paracord bracelet

Paracord: The Most Versatile Item In Your Bug-Out Bag

The question isn’t “What can you do with paracord?” It’s “What can’t you do with paracord?” Here are 50 ways to utilize this dynamic prep item in a bug-out situation.


8 Prepper Principles For a Prepared Mind

You can have all the preps in the world, but without a prepared mind, you will not be ready for what may come. These 8 crucial prepper principles can help you prepare your mind for a shtf lifestyle.

Breakfast Pizza

I have found that if you change how the meals are presented, the kids are more accepting to the foods. So, here’s a way to combine most kids favorite food – pizza with breakfast.

Healthy, wholesome whole wheat Morning Glory muffins.

Morning Glory Muffins

I’m trying to make sure my kids get a running start in the morning and these muffins are the way to go! They’re moist and sweet and I don’t mind my kids snacking on them during the day.


Quiche Lorraine

Quiche Lorraine is a classic breakfast or can be made for a brunch item. It’s creamy and oh, so tasty!

watermelon lemonade

Watermelon Lemonade

Watermelon and lemonade are synonymous with summertime, so why not combine them with this delicious beverage?

Get Prepped Newsletter: May 31, 2012

Get Prepped is Ready Nutrition’s weekly newsletter helping families get prepared for life’s unexpected emergencies. This week we will discuss in length the importance that a survival cache could play in your life and what items would be best to include in a cache.

crayon candles

5 Ways to Make Candles From Household Items

Here are five creative ways to make candles using household items to help keep the lights on when the lights go out.

Paper chain neighborhood, row of cut out houses

Security in the Suburbs

It is possible to survive in suburbia, but preparations must be put in place and neighbors must be on board. Read more on how to better prepare your community shtf-style.

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