Natural Living

Life is a journey that starts with small, achievable goals. Get inspired and explore our natural living resources on dietary wellness, physical wellness, natural medicine, and learn more about how health supplements can improve your wellbeing so you can live your best life yet.

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Five Products You Probably Didn’t Know Were Toxic

When you live in a society where so many things contain carcinogenic materials, you’ll find that you can’t keep track of them all.


Five Tips for the Ultimate Family Road Trip

After literally dozens of vacations, I’ve come up with these 5 tips for making the most of a family road trip.


Food allergies More Widespread In Inner City Children

Nearly 3 percent of adults and 6 percent of young children in the United States have one or more food allergies, according to the latest estimates from the National Institutes of Health.


Food Chain Catastrophe: Emergency Shut Down Of West Coast Fisheries: “Populations Have Crashed 91 Percent”

Could it be that the collapse of honey bee colonies, mass sea life die-offs, and changing climates in once lush growing regions are all the result of the same thing?


Food Freebies in Your Own Backyard

Nature’s bounty is all around us. It’s time to get back to our hunter/gatherer roots and learn which wild edibles we can forage.


Food Poverty: Malnutrition Diseases on the Increase

Storing food at todays prices to use tomorrow is a way of protecting yourself and your family from price hike shocks. Starting a vegetable garden as well as storing food is better still. If you have no experience now is the time to get it, before you actually need it.


Food Preservation at Knowle Cottage

Not having electric power the job of preserving a portion of the harvest to help us out in the winter was a long one.


Food Waste: A Way of Life That Needs to Change

I hate food waste. I loathe spending good money on decent food and then seeing it go into the garbage. For that reason food waste has been banned from my home.


Foraging Edible Weeds in Urban Food Deserts

Looking back out at my backyard, I’m wondering how much more food is really out there that I have no idea about.

These are the flu busting foods that most people don't talk about, or might not even be aware of.

Four Flu Fighting Foods That You Probably Weren’t Aware Of

These are the flu busting foods that most people don’t talk about, or might not even be aware of.


Free Mini Book: Deficiency Diseases

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are not the most riveting subject but a working knowledge of the most common, and some of the most dangerous deficiency diseases is an absolute must for those trying to survive in a world without medical assistance.


Full Spectrum Health Gadget Gives Whole Picture of Your Well Being

Those interested in “body hacking” may find this new tech gadget a welcome tool for providing a more complete picture of the whole self.

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