The bike can get you through tough times, as well as providing you with exercise and enjoyment prior to the SHTF. You’ll find it a challenge, but that’s what makes it worth it in the long run.
Paracord: The Most Versatile Item In Your Bug-Out Bag
The question isn’t “What can you do with paracord?” It’s “What can’t you do with paracord?” Here are 50 ways to utilize this dynamic prep item in a bug-out situation.
Post-EMP: How to Get Out of Dodge in the Snow
Evacuating during the harsh winter elements is already a difficult feat, but what if you find yourself in a post-EMP environment while driving and have to bug out in the snow? There is no vehicle to comfortably take you to your bug out location. For many, you will be on foot. Do you have the preps and the skills to make this icy trek?
Prep of the Month: The Survival Kit That Fits Anywhere! (GIVEAWAY)
Whether you are looking for a lightweight preparedness kit for the car, your family preparedness supplies, or your bug out bag that will have multipurpose tools to use in an emergency, this would be the kit I would recommend.
Prepper Strategy: Vital Considerations When Planning a Bug-Out Location
Now is the time to formulate a good, solid plan of action and stick to it when the time arrives.
Prepper Training: This is How to Prepare Your Body to Escape the Big City on Foot
If you plan on bugging out on foot without proper training, you won’t get very far. Knowing how to train for this will keep your stamina up, your legs and back strong and your endurance set for long distances.
Prepping to Survive: The Nautical Series Pt. 1: The Bug Out Boat
While most of us will be bugging out by cars in an emergency evacuation, others will be bugging out in a different mode of transportation. Read about how some preppers plan on bugging out by boat, how they have prepared, and what their contingencies are for a SHTF scenario.
Prepping to Survive: The Nautical Series Pt. 2: Harbors of Healing
“Our boat … offers us a mobile platform to escape the coming collapse and likely civil unrest that will surely follow.” Read more about the shtf accomodations Capt. Mike has made in order to live his life of freedom.
Learning to Prepare the Hard Way
Break the pattern of an unprepared society and encourage friends and family to get prepared. Not only does this help loved ones get prepared, but it promotes self reliance in the process.