
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.


How To Get Free Maps For Your Prepping Supplies

There are several different sources for these maps on the free or on the cheap, and it’s good for you to be aware of them to prepare your supply of them for the times to come.

security gate

10 Cheap Yet Effective Home Security Tips

Check out these cheap yet effective home security tips to keep your home safe and secure while making sure you have as much of your budget as possible to use for your prep.


12 Ways to Keep Cool In A Crisis

In a crisis situation there’s a good chance the grid is going to be down. The refrigerator and air conditioning will not be working and excessive heat can be dangerous for the elderly, the very young and for many with chronic medical conditions.

off grid travel bike

Off-Grid Travel: The DIY Survival Bike

The bike can get you through tough times, as well as providing you with exercise and enjoyment prior to the SHTF. You’ll find it a challenge, but that’s what makes it worth it in the long run.

hurricane preparedness

A Green Beret’s Guide to Hurricane Season Preparedness

The key to preparing for a hurricane is being organized with your supplies at the ready and the knowledge of how to use them and when you will use them.

DIY Biofuel

DIY: Make Your Own Biodiesel

The current world is at it’s peak as far as consumption is concerned. With our finite resources, it’s time we begin exploring alternatives.

Ready Nutrition - Everything you need to know about storing canned goods long-term

Everything You Want (and Need) To Know About Long-Term Canned Food Storage. (Plus 10 Signs To Look For When It’s Spoiled)

Will your canned food supply still be good when a disaster arises and you need to start popping them open and consuming the contents?

PVC is some pretty versatile stuff. PVC stands for polyvinyl chloride, and it can be found both in rigid or in flexible forms. There are also different uses as per the variance in capabilities.

8 Creative Reasons Why Every Prepper Needs PVC Pipe

PVC is some pretty versatile stuff. PVC stands for polyvinyl chloride, and it can be found both in rigid or in flexible forms. There are also different uses as per the variance in capabilities.

5 Foods that Help to Naturally Prevent Radiation Poisoning

Not since the fall of the Soviet Union have we faced so dangerous and precipitous times that can escalate into a world war in so many theaters at once. With the stakes running high, it’s time you know these 5 natural foods that can be used both preventively and to detoxify after the body has absorbed harmful radiation.

are you ready series earthquake

Are You Ready Series: Earthquake Preparedness

Earthquakes have a tendency to wreak havoc everywhere they arise. Knowing what to do, before a disaster such as this ensues, will ensure that you will be able handle these types of emergencies if they happen to come your way.

Regarding the plant kingdom, there’s a fine line between foraging for food and unknowingly causing your own demise.

Botany: The Most Neglected Subject in Survival (and Why You Could Die From Not Understanding It)

Regarding the plant kingdom, there’s a fine line between foraging for food and unknowingly causing your own demise.


11 Emergency Food Items That Can Last a Lifetime

Many see storing food as a necessary investment for themselves and their family. Knowing which foods to store and how long they will last are the key elements to making the most on a food investment. These 11 food items can last a lifetime if properly stored.

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